Adapting MediaPipe Demos for Kotlin Multiplatform: Object Detection


Following our previous exploration of porting Mediapipe's LLM Inference, this article delves into migrating the Object Detection Demo. By reading this, you'll learn:

  1. How to port Mediapipe's official Object Detection Android Demo to Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP), enabling it to run on iOS. Project link:
  2. Integrating Compose Multiplatform with iOS native controls (Camera Preview), including handling permission requests.
  3. Tips for injecting iOS controls using dependency injection in KMP (based on Koin).
  4. An introduction to the two Object Detection algorithms used in the Demo.

Object Detection Android Sample

First, let's examine the original Object Detection project. You'll notice that the Android portion includes both an android.view.View implementation and a Jetpack Compose version. Following our previous approach, we'll directly port the Jetpack Compose version to KMP.

Upon closer inspection, you'll find that this app is more complex. In the LLM Inference example, the SDK only provided text inference interfaces, which we could easily wrap in Kotlin to abstract platform-specific details (though we ultimately used an alternative due to some cinterop support issues). The UI was entirely reusable. However, Object Detection is based on real-time image processing and includes three modes in the demo: real-time camera detection, local video detection, and local image detection. Camera preview typically relies heavily on platform-specific implementations, and players rarely use custom rendering (i.e., they use native platform solutions).

In summary, from the outset, we need to reserve parts that are challenging to implement with Compose Multiplatform (CMP) (such as the CameraView shown above) and abstract them into separate expect Composable functions for each platform to implement individually. To simplify the learning process and reduce the demo's scale, we'll focus solely on implementing the CameraView component, leaving the Gallery (Video + Image) sections for you to explore. In essence, once you grasp how to embed a Camera Preview, you can implement the other two parts similarly, including Compose and UIKit interactions and iOS permission requests.

By cross-referencing the iOS version of the demo, we've broken down the UI layers related to CameraView into four components, as illustrated above:

  • The Camera Preview layer must be implemented separately on each platform.
  • The ResultOverlay, which draws bounding boxes and other results, could be implemented in the common layer. However, due to complexities like matching the overlay with the Camera Preview (since the preview size can vary depending on the camera's aspect ratio) and coordinate transformations, we'll delegate this component to platform-specific implementations in this demo.
  • The Scaffold and Inference Time Label will be implemented in the common layer.

Migration Process

Porting the Main UI and Data Structures

Building on the foundation from the previous section, we'll add a new folder named objectdetection to the Mediapiper project. With our prior experience, we realize that much of the UI content isn't overly complex—except for the focal point of this section, the camera preview interface. Therefore, we can proceed by migrating all files except for camera and gallery:

The necessary modifications can be categorized into two areas:

  1. Data and Logic:

    • Extract the ObjectDetectionResult declarations from original SDKs and create a common version as a data class. This allows both SDKs to convert their results into the common version, facilitating the display of inference time, unified logging, and even paving the way to potentially move ResultOverlay to the common layer in the future.
    • Move utility classes and default value enumerations to the common layer with minimal changes—mainly replacing references to the inference result classes with the common version.
  2. UI Components:

    • Make uniform changes similar to the previous section, such as replacing R references with Res, adopting the unified theme, and adjusting some import packages.
    • Notably, this demo doesn't use the CMP version of Navigation, so switching between the Home and Option pages is handled with a simple if...else... at the top level.

At this point, we can run an application that doesn't include camera functionality. The images below demonstrate how these CMP codes run on iOS across two pages.

Integrating CameraView Functionality

As previously analyzed, we need to extract the CameraView component for native implementation. Therefore, in the common CameraView, we'll use two expect Composable functions: CameraPermissionControl and CameraPreview:

fun CameraView(
threshold: Float,
maxResults: Int,
delegate: Int,
mlModel: Int,
setInferenceTime: (newInferenceTime: Int) -> Unit,
) {
CameraPermissionControl {
onDetectionResultUpdate = { detectionResults ->
// ...

expect fun CameraPermissionControl(PermissionGrantedContent: @Composable @UiComposable () -> Unit)

expect fun CameraPreview(
threshold: Float,
maxResults: Int,
delegate: Int,
mlModel: Int,
setInferenceTime: (newInferenceTime: Int) -> Unit,
onDetectionResultUpdate: (result: ObjectDetectionResult) -> Unit

Android Implementation

The Android side is straightforward—we can directly copy the original Jetpack Compose code:

// Android implementation
actual fun CameraPermissionControl(
PermissionGrantedContent: @Composable @UiComposable () -> Unit
) {
val storagePermissionState: PermissionState =
LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit) {
if (!storagePermissionState.hasPermission) {

if (!storagePermissionState.hasPermission) {
Text(text = "No Storage Permission!")
} else {

actual fun CameraPreview(...) {
// Define properties

DisposableEffect(Unit) {
onDispose {
active = false

// Describe the UI of this camera view
BoxWithConstraints {
val cameraPreviewSize = getFittedBoxSize(
containerSize = Size(
width = this.maxWidth.value,
height = this.maxHeight.value,
boxSize = Size(
width = frameWidth.toFloat(),
height = frameHeight.toFloat()

) {
// Use AndroidView to integrate CameraX, as there's no prebuilt composable in Jetpack Compose
factory = { ctx ->
val previewView = PreviewView(ctx)
val executor = ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(ctx)
val cameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get()
val preview = Preview.Builder().build().also {

val cameraSelector = CameraSelector.Builder()

// Instantiate an image analyzer for frame transformations before object detection
val imageAnalyzer = ImageAnalysis.Builder()

// Execute object detection in a new thread
val backgroundExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()

backgroundExecutor.execute {
// Use ObjectDetectorHelper to abstract Mediapipe specifics
val objectDetectorHelper = AndroidObjectDetector(
context = ctx,
threshold = threshold,
currentDelegate = delegate,
currentModel = mlModel,
maxResults = maxResults,
objectDetectorListener = ObjectDetectorListener(
onErrorCallback = { _, _ -> },
onResultsCallback = {
// Set frame dimensions upon receiving results
frameHeight = it.inputImageHeight
frameWidth = it.inputImageWidth

// Update results and inference time if the view is active
if (active) {
results = it.results.first()
runningMode = RunningMode.LIVE_STREAM

// Set the analyzer and start detecting objects from the live stream

// Unbind any currently open camera and bind our own
}, executor)
// Return the preview view from the AndroidView factory
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()

// Display the results overlay if there are current results
results?.let {
results = it,
frameWidth = frameWidth,
frameHeight = frameHeight

iOS Implementation

The iOS side requires a bit more effort. For camera permission control, we'll directly call iOS's platform.AVFoundation APIs within this Composable function, asynchronously request permissions, and display appropriate messages based on the result—loading, failure, or success, where we show the camera preview. You'll notice that our iOS implementation is quite comprehensive, covering all three scenarios.

import platform.AVFoundation.*
import kotlin.coroutines.resume
import kotlin.coroutines.suspendCoroutine

actual fun CameraPermissionControl(PermissionGrantedContent: @Composable @UiComposable () -> Unit) {
var hasCameraPermission by remember { mutableStateOf<Boolean?>(null) }

LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
hasCameraPermission = requestCameraAccess()

when (hasCameraPermission) {
true -> {
false -> {
Text("Camera permission denied. Please grant access from settings.")
null -> {
Text("Requesting camera permission...")

private suspend fun requestCameraAccess(): Boolean = suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
val authorizationStatus = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatusForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo)

when (authorizationStatus) {
AVAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined -> {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccessForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo) { granted ->
AVAuthorizationStatusRestricted, AVAuthorizationStatusDenied -> {
AVAuthorizationStatusAuthorized -> {
else -> {

Now, let's tackle the core camera preview functionality. According to the CMP documentation, we can embed a UIKit view within a Composable function using UIKitView:

// Example 1
factory = { MKMapView() },
modifier = Modifier.size(300.dp),

// Example 2
fun UseUITextField(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
var message by remember { mutableStateOf("Hello, World!") }
factory = {
val textField = object : UITextField(CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) {
fun editingChanged() {
message = text ?: ""
target = textField,
action = NSSelectorFromString(,
forControlEvents = UIControlEventEditingChanged
modifier = modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(30.dp),
update = { textField ->
textField.text = message

These examples applied some default iOS components, not custom ones. The corresponding reference headers are already converted to Kotlin by JetBrains, such as platform.UIKit.UITextField, which can be directly imported into the KMP project's iOS target.

In our case, we want to reuse a custom CameraPreview view with recognition capabilities. However, the app.framework produced by KMP is a shared layer upon which the iOS native code depends. Due to the dependency hierarchy, we can't directly call CameraPreview defined in the iOS app's source code. There are generally two solutions:

  1. Package the relevant code into a separate module, producing cameraview.framework, which the KMP's app can depend on.
  2. When initializing app.framework in the iOS app, pass a lambda that initializes and returns a UIView to app.

We'll opt for the second solution, defining IOSCameraPreviewCreator as the protocol for interaction between the two sides.

// Definition
typealias IOSCameraPreviewCreator = (
threshold: Float,
maxResults: Int,
delegate: Int,
mlModel: Int,
setInferenceTime: (newInferenceTime: Int) -> Unit,
callback: IOSCameraPreviewCallback
) -> UIView

typealias IOSCameraPreviewCallback = (result: ObjectDetectionResult) -> Unit

// Inject the implementation from the iOS side during startup and add it to Koin's definitions
fun onStartup(iosCameraPreviewCreator: IOSCameraPreviewCreator) { { koinApp ->
koinApp.apply {
modules(module {
single { LLMOperatorFactory() }
single<IOSCameraPreviewCreator> { iosCameraPreviewCreator }

// In the implementation of CameraPreview,
// we inject and invoke this function to obtain a UIView instance
import androidx.compose.ui.viewinterop.UIKitView
import platform.UIKit.UIView

actual fun CameraPreview(
threshold: Float,
maxResults: Int,
delegate: Int,
mlModel: Int,
setInferenceTime: (newInferenceTime: Int) -> Unit,
onDetectionResultUpdate: (result: ObjectDetectionResult) -> Unit,
) {
val iOSCameraPreviewCreator = koinInject<IOSCameraPreviewCreator>()
// Similar to how Android integrates the native Camera View
factory = {
val iosCameraPreview: UIView = iOSCameraPreviewCreator(
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
update = { _ -> }

The above code leverages Koin for dependency injection, simplifying the interaction process. Now, let's follow the injection of startup parameters to check the iOS side.

MainKt.onStartup(iosCameraPreviewCreator: { threshold, maxResults, delegate, mlModel, onInferenceTimeUpdate, resultCallback in
return IOSCameraView(
frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0),
modelName: Int(truncating: mlModel) == 0 ? "EfficientDet-Lite0" : "EfficientDet-Lite2",
maxResults: Int(truncating: maxResults),
scoreThreshold: Float(truncating: threshold),
onInferenceTimeUpdate: onInferenceTimeUpdate,
resultCallback: resultCallback

The IOSCameraView here is essentially the CameraViewController from the original iOS demo. We've modified some initialization and lifecycle content and simplified parameter change listeners to highlight the core migration aspects:

  1. Lifecycle Handling: ViewController uses methods like viewDidLoad, while UIView uses didMoveToWindow to handle logic when the view is added or removed. ViewController initializes through its lifecycle, whereas UIView provides custom initializers to pass in models and detection parameters.

  2. Subview Setup: ViewController uses @IBOutlet and Interface Builder, while UIView directly creates and adds subviews via a setupView method, manually setting constraints with AutoLayout and handling tap events.

  3. Callbacks and Delegates: ViewController uses delegates, while UIView adds closure callbacks like onInferenceTimeUpdate and resultCallback. These are passed during initialization and set up for type conversion, facilitating callbacks to the KMP layer.

We also retain OverlayView, CameraFeedService, ObjectDetectorService, and parts of DefaultConstants, without modifying their code. Notably, ObjectDetectorService encapsulates the Object Detection SDK. If you examine its API calls, you'll find it's closely coupled with iOS's Camera APIs (like CMSampleBuffer), indicating the difficulty of abstracting it into the common layer.

With this, we can run the camera preview with Object Detection on iOS.

Simple Testing

The above GIF showcases the performance of EfficientDet-Lite0 running in CPU mode on an iPhone 13 mini. In official tests using the Pixel 6's CPU/GPU, switching to GPU execution can slightly improve performance. It's evident that the real-time performance is sufficient for production environments, and the accuracy is acceptable.

The demo comes with two optional models:

  • EfficientDet-Lite0: Uses 320x320 input, balancing latency and accuracy, suitable for lightweight applications. The demo includes its float32 version by default.
  • EfficientDet-Lite2: Uses 448x448 input, offering higher accuracy at the cost of speed, suitable for scenarios demanding greater precision. The demo includes its float32 version by default.

Both models are trained on a dataset containing 1.5 million instances and 80 object labels.


  • Traditional ML models on mobile devices are relatively mature and can handle many specific scenarios. The two models discussed are only 13–25 MB in size. Compared to LLM models that are often over 1 GB, these models are much more practical for deployment.
  • Embedding UIKit views within Compose Multiplatform allows us to address high-performance needs that require native APIs and hardware.
  • We kept ResultOverlay in the common layer, and the iOS side set up result callbacks to the KMP layer. However, on iOS, we still used native views for implementation due to the cost of migration. In real-world scenarios, we can further consider:
    • If the business scenario is simple, such as rectangle recognition with a full-screen camera preview, we can easily reuse ResultOverlay at the Compose layer.
    • For complex business scenarios, like facial recognition with sticker selection and rendering during video chats, the high complexity of the business logic makes reusing the same StickerOverlay highly valuable. In this case, regardless of the camera preview size, the cost of adaptation becomes acceptable. Moreover, there's potential for optimization in calculations within StickerOverlay, such as using sampled calculations and interpolated animations.
  • Complex dependency management scenarios, including UI view injection, can be simplified using dependency injection frameworks like Koin.

For comments and further discussion, mail to [email protected]